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发表于 2014-5-28 21:58:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    按照学校建设“教学研究型”大学的定位,英语学院在成立之初便把科学研究作为学院的工作重点之一。目前英语学院下设英美文学研究中心、语言学与应用语言学研究中心、翻译学研究中心、词典学研究中心、比较文学与文化研究中心、语言测试研究中心等6个研究机构,主办有国内第一家以译介国外英语语言文学最新研究成果为宗旨的丛刊——《国外英语语言文学前沿》。自成立以来,教师共承担国家级、省部级等各级各类科研/教研立项80余项;在A&HCI 和CSSCI源刊等各级各类期刊上发表论文300余篇;在人民出版社、北京大学出版社、外语教学与研究出版社等国家级出版社出版专著40余部、教材20余部;获各级科研/教研奖50余人次。

海纳百川   止于至善

CELL Profile

Owing its origin to the Department of English (DOE) established in 1959, the College of English Language and Literature (CELL) in SISU was founded in 2009 when DOE merged with the former Third Department of English (which was established in 1984). Currently, the College offers a four-year program in English leading to BA degrees in three sub-areas, viz., Translation & Oral Interpreting, English Literature & Linguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Due to the program’s educational and academic excellence in English it has been accredited as an A-Class Program at the state level and a Priority Program of Chongqing Municipality. Prompted by the pioneering spirit of its predecessors and supported by more than five decades of innovative perseverance, CELL is proud to be recognized as the most dynamic and creative force in SW China and it is, de facto, one of the leaders across the entire country for providing high quality English education.

The faculty of CELL is composed of 80 full-time teachers, of which, 10 are full professors (among whom one holds endowed chair), 40 are tenured associate professors; 20 have attained their Ph.D. degrees and 98% have earned M.A. degrees specializing in Anglo-American literature, linguistics & applied linguistics, cultural studies, TESOL, and other related fields; and, 95% of the faculty have had international experiences. All faculty members take a genuine interest when instructing their students, while personally dedicating themselves to individual academic research. In addition to this, there are qualified and experienced teachers from English-speaking countries affiliated with CELL. They not only bring passion to the learning environment and lend an international vision into the classroom, but also contribute considerably to making the College an academic community of multicultural dimensions

CELL’s primary teaching focus is to equip students with fundamental English competence, provide a well-rounded knowledge of Sino-Western humanities, advance a broad international perspective, develop the ability for creative and critical thinking, and emphasize personal traits of honesty, modesty, and integrity. In support of these, CELL offers a wide spectrum of curricula covering its three primary course-areas: foundation, communication, and elective. Foundation courses are designed to equip students with basic knowledge of English. Communication courses are to strengthen students’ ability to express themselves in English and to provide them with critical thinking, speaking, and writing experiences that will be important in their future lives and careers. Elective courses focus on specialized studies in Anglo-American literature, linguistics & applied linguistics, intellectual history of the West and of China, TESOL, etc. These three course areas complement one another, which enables CELL to produce graduates that will meet standards of excellence. Complementing these study programs are strong emphases attached to a range of extracurricular activities, social services, and internships.

Graduates from CELL are highly sought after by prestigious graduate schools and employers in diversified fields, such as, teaching, public service, foreign trade, banking, insurance, press, media, etc. Graduates from CELL work tirelessly in these areas, fully utilizing their knowledge of English in their particular areas of calling.

In addition to teaching, academic research is another prominent aspect of CELL. In recent years, the scholarly output created by CELL’ faculty members has been rising steadily into repute both in quantity and quality. Six research centers operate under CELL: Center for Anglo-American Literature Studies, Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Studies, Center for Translation Studies, Center for Lexicography Studies, Center for Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture Studies,and Center for Language Assessment Studies. CELL also publishes its annual scholarly journal: New Bearings in International EL&L, reviewing and reporting on the latest academic achievements by foreign scholars in English studies.

With the advent of the new millennium, CELL will redouble its efforts in further enhancing teaching, academic research and international collaboration to accomplish its mission epitomized in its motto of “Connecting the World, Striving for Excellence.”

CELL Motto:  Connecting the World, Striving for Excellence!
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